Saturday, June 23, 2018

Moped renovering (D50B0 motor)

Efter att någon övervarvat en längre period. Så skar motorn. Kolv i flisor och vevstaken avsliten. Ny cylinder, kolv & vevparti.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

ESP8266 to control SSR relay.

Objective: Control an SSR relay by push button on
the ESP8266. And to be able to control the SSR from
Domoticz or the App.

So i hooked up the below connections on my breadboard
and tried to flash it with ESP Easy but it failed. I then did 
a reset after plugging it in to the computer. I just took an wire
from 3.3V and touched the RST pin and the led flashed for a 
momment. Then i tried to flash it again and it worked.
Flashing mode for the ESP-01.

I below pictures i have already done the setup for the Domotizc
controller, adding IP, Port. Below are the Settings
in the ESP Easy (Ver.120) to get the switch working.

To get the "Rules" option you need to activate that in the "Tools"->"Advanced"
To switch the ESP Switch/SSR you need to add an http link for on and off.